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Over the years there has been an increase in the request for kits, so I’m going to slowly start packaging kits for some of our products.  There are a lot of additional problems that come from offering kits, so this will be a slow process.

The good part is that prices for most kits will be lower than the current prices for assembled boards.  The bad part is that assembled board prices are going up in order to allow a profit on the kits and still create enough of a price difference so the kits and assembled boards aren’t too close in pricing.

There are also new concerns, such as whether the buyer can read schematics, can they solder well, do they know which end of the IC is pin 1, how do I help debug a board that doesn’t work, etc.  This is a one-man company, so adding kits might take more time than doing assembly here where I can thoroughly test each board before packaging it.

As kits are added, I’ll post notices here.


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Sale on SS-50 Bundles

The VCF prices have been applied to complete SS-50 based systems.  If you didn’t make VCF East and can’t make VCF Southeast, then this is best chance to get a fully operational SS-50 system, either 6800 or 6809, at a reduced price.


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VCF East 2017 Completed

I’m back from VCF East, met my wife and daughter for dinner, and am finally home catching up on things, although the car doesn’t get unpacked until tomorrow!  VCF East is a 56 mile drive from home, so I drove up Friday in the downpour to set up the display:

From left to right are the SS-50 6809 system, two KIMs (one behind the other) and the SS-50 6800 system.  There are lots of questions every year about the terminals, so they are a pair of WYSE WY-30s that I got refurbished from Vecmar.

One of the best parts of the show was finally meeting and spending some time with Michael Holley, the guru of SWTPC products, and the maintainer of the most complete set of SS-50 board products on the web.  If not for his extensive documentation, I’d never have been able to build my SS-50 systems.

That’s one of his SWTPC systems:

And some earlier pictures of him from his display:

Notice the small PCB with “SWTPC 6800” on it.  When ordering circuit boards, the PCB shops require a minimum number of square inches before they’ll accept the order, so if you’ve got small boards you just order several more, but it you’ve got a big board you add something really small to the order.  Micheal needed a bit more board area, so he had a couple small boards made with “SWTPC 6800” on them.  He liked my products and gave me one of those PC boards, which will be displayed at my booth from now on!  Thank you Michael!

Lots of neat things there, but the display about the KERMIT protocol should get a prize based on the guest presenter:

He really knows his stuff.

It was a fun show, as usual, with lots of great people to talk to.

Next show: VCF SE in three weeks.  I just registered my exhibit so it might not appear on the exhibitor list for a day or two.