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Corsham Tech Forums

I’m in the process of adding a forum to the site so people can discuss things of common interest and for a way for me to provide better support.  As you’ve undoubtedly noticed, updating web pages isn’t much of a priority for me, so the forums will give me a less formal way to give updates, answer questions, etc.  Some of the good information should also be migrated to web pages.

The main reason for the forums is to keep people with similar projects working more closely.  There are a number of people asking me about OS/9 ports and while I’d like to do the work, I probably won’t, so the forum might help others get a project organized and make progress.

The raw forum code is now on the site but still needs topics organized.  This is not meant to be yet another vintage computer discussion board, as there are plenty already, but is more focused on Corsham Tech products.


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Next Big Event: VCF MW

Corsham Technologies will be displaying at VCF MW in the Chicago area September 10-11th.  We’ll have pretty much everything we sell, and will have the usual display of the SS-50 systems, a KIM-1 with our expansion boards, etc.  This show has a good feel to it, so while there is a lot to see, there is also time to stop and really see things and talk to the people behind the exhibits.  I’m hoping to get some quality debug time on an SS-30 board that didn’t work quite as well as I had hoped.  Every day is so busy here that it just hasn’t gotten the attention it needs.

If you’re anywhere near Chicago, I would encourage you to check out the show.  For those who remember Trenton Computer Fest in the 70s, it’s got that kind of feel, just not as big and no outdoor flea market (the flea market is indoors).

If you’re planning on going and want to see something in particular from us, please let me know so it gets included when we pack up.  This year I’ll probably be by myself (my son came last year) so there’s more room in the car to pack more stuff.