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New Product: Larger SS-30 Proto Board

Customers often come up with good ideas for new products or improvements to existing ones, and this was certainly one of those cases! Basically, he suggested adding more breadboard space, and adding a spring loaded connector on top for running wires to external circuitry. The resulting product is our new board:

If you compare this to the existing SS-30 Proto Board you’ll notice the lower part is exactly the same. The difference is the extra solderless board and the two 10-pin spring-loaded connectors on top.

Both proto boards will remain in production for a while but if one drastically outsells the other then maybe one will be dropped. Right now I’ve got many (!) blank boards for the smaller version so I’ve got no immediate plans to stop making them.

Blank boards are $15, fully assembled are $50.

Did someone say “what about an SS-50 prototyping board?” A prototype was built and is being tested now. Keep watching for details!