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Bad news and the future

This is Bob’s son Jason. He passed away in his sleep early in the morning of 6/13/23. Corsham Tech will not be continuing, but we plan to reach out to some people to sort outstanding orders and unresolved business.

He requested that we don’t hold a formal funeral service for him, but we will be hosting a celebration of life event in the near future somewhere near his home town in South Jersey. We will post updates here, and we have set up a memorial site where contributions to his memory are welcome:


Thank you all for being customers and fellow enthusiasts; this business and his passion for his work were a huge part of who he was, and it means a lot to me and my family that you helped support Corsham Tech.

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Stuck in the hospital again!

I went to see my oncologist on 2/23 and he noted a fever…. it’s now four days later but no indication as to when I might get out.

Before this, I had shipped some orders and had all the others ready to mail.

Again, sorry for the delays in shipping orders but once I’m home they can be sent quickly.


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Finally home

It was a 13 day stay at the hospital but they diagnosed the terrible joint pain and also did another long round of chemo to fight the cancer.  Joints are feeling better but a physical therapist will start coming to the house to get everything working again.  Going into the workshop to process orders is still not possible.

Corsham Tech reserved a table at Vintage Computing Festival East in April but there is no way I can set up an exhibit even with my wife and son helping (our daughter is in college about 12 hours away so she can’t help).