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The Site is Back!

The site was hacked about a week ago and my provider took it off-line.  After many days and quite a lot of money spent, things came alive again last night (July 2).  I signed a contract with a company to continually scan the website and fix problems before anyone else sees them, hopefully preventing more down time.


The doctors sent me home on June 26th which was the first time I had been home since May 25.  I was finally sleeping in my own bed, spending time with family, and also doing some clean-up in the Corsham Tech lab (“lab” being the basement).

But then a fever developed on July 1 and I came back to the hospital and am still here.  The leukemia team is working with my insurance company to decide what the best next step is.  I might be here for another four weeks of chemotherapy, they might send me home for another treatment plan that is done as out-patient procedures, or a combination of the two.  Until late this afternoon, my short-term future is unknown.

For the doctors out there: I have AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) coupled with Type 1 diabetes since age 6.  Two siblings passed away from other types of cancer but we don’t have a family history of immune system cancers.  The induction chemo brought the percentage of cancer cells down to about 50% so another round of “7+3” chemo isn’t likely to put me into remission.