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VCF MW and other Status Updates

I will be unable to attend VCF MW in the Chicago area this year.  I go into the hospital on 8/28 for three days of chemotherapy (round three), then go home for recovery.  VCF is just a few weeks later and my doctors strongly urged me not to go to any place with lots of people for at least four weeks after the chemo ends.  At least this hospital stay will be only three days rather than the usual four weeks!  This is a normal chemo treatment to keep me in remission, not because of a problem.

At this point all orders have been filled and I’m slowly building up my inventory again.  During the last couple of weeks a lot of orders came in and a lot of my inventory was shipped, so now it’s a matter of more time in front of the soldering iron building boards, testing, packaging, etc.  Normal kinds of work that has to get done but now there is just more of it to try and catch up.  I tend to build at least five of any board at a time which usually gives me some slack to handle a rush of orders.  Building a bunch of the same boards at the same time is a lot easier than building one, then building one of another board, then one of another, etc.  Henry Ford figured this out a long time ago and it applies even to small businesses.

It’s time to head into the workshop and test about 10 boards I built over the last couple of days but just didn’t get around to testing yet…


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Good News on the Health Situation

My oncologist confirmed that the leukemia is in remission, which means we can move forward with the next step of the treatment.  I do have a minor infection which needs to be overcome first, and need to build up my strength more, then the bone marrow transplant can take place.

At this point it looks like I’ll be home for about a month before heading back to the hospital.  If you want to place an order, now is an excellent time to do it as I have time to build any boards not in stock and plenty of time for testing.



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I am Home!

The latest hospital visit lasted July 1 through July 31,  but am very happy to be home again.  The second round of chemotherapy has taken a lot of energy and my muscles are very weak, but I am doing exercises at home and will regain my strength.

The other good news is that I can now process orders, build boards, and do other things related to Corsham Technologies again.  If you were considering placing an order, I can now package/test/chip again.
