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New Product: Parts package for KIM Clone

I dread making kits for products with lots of parts, but to assist those wanting to build KIM Clones I’ve added a collection of the most hard to find and/or most critical parts.

This contains most of the parts that the average vintage computer collector might not have in their parts collection already.  Everything else are common, such as lots of TTL chips, resistors, caps, a few LEDs, etc.

Not a very exciting new product but those wanting to build a KIM Clone from a bare board might appreciate not having to do quite as much web surfing to find everything they need.


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New Product: SYM-1 RAM Board

Continuing my tradition of adding new products that I want for personal use, the latest creation is a 64K RAM board for the SYM-1 single board computer:

It plugs into the Expansion connector without any additional wires nor modifications to the SYM.  The KIM RAM boards allow selection of RAM on 8K boundaries but that does not work well for SYM, so this board allows enabling RAM on 4K boundaries.  On my system the additional RAM is from 1000-7FFF, B000-BFFF and F000-FF7F.  The SYM reserves FF80-FFFF so this board honors that.

The board is available as a bare board, a kit, or fully assembled.


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Price Increases and Kits

Price Increases

I haven’t raised prices in quite a while, but all of my parts suppliers are out of their US based inventory so I am getting hit by the silly tariffs on Chinese products.  I also raised prices on a couple products that take a long time to build and test.

Products with price increases include SS-50 6800 and 6809 CPU boards, SS-50 motherboard, 6809 Flex system, KIM Clone and the KIM Clone Motherboard.

Price increases start on October 1st, so the old prices are still valid until then.  Prices are set at the time of purchase, so if you buy something on 9/30/2020 then you get the sale price even if it takes a week or two for me to actually ship your order.


A small number of boards are now available as kits: SS-30 USB Serial, SS-30 Serial, SS-30 Parallel, KIM Clone Motherboard.  No, there are no plans on making the larger boards available as kits, but more of the smaller boards will be probably have kits added as an option.