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Sorry, I have been meaning to provide some updates for a few weeks.

The backlog of orders has been resolved and orders are shipping much faster again.  Of course this depends on the size of orders and how many of them.  The more boards in an order, the longer it takes to process.

New products…

None, but I am testing some minor changes to a couple of boards and hope to order final version of the boards within the next week.

A small break…

Dec 23 through the new year holiday I will be working less on Corsham Tech projects.  My day job (the one that pays almost all the bills) has been rather demanding recently and I need a bit of a break from soldering/coding/shipping, etc.

Health news…

I underwent two rounds of chemotherapy in September and October and they went well.  The next huge step is something called a Donor Lymphocyte Infusion, or DLI.  My sister who donated cells for the bone marrow transplant in 2020 will be donating more blood, then the doctors separate out the immune system cells and transfuse them into me.  This is all outpatient processes so I will be home later that day.  For those who are really interested, my next hurdle is dealing with the graft versus host disease (GVHD).