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What’s Going On

After VCF East, I’ve been spending time catching up on other consulting projects, building up inventory again, ordering parts, and some internal administrative duties.

One of the on-going projects is getting all the files for our projects into an off-site source code control system.  Over the years I’ve spent a lot of time using professional tools like ClearCase and Plastic, but we’ve settled on Git for in-house projects.  New tools, new methodology, and project pieces are spread over three different computers.

There is also on-going efforts to clean up some existing designs and order new boards, finish up some software, etc.  A couple new products might use FPGAs or CPLDs, so switching from VHDL to Verilog is taking some learning.  I worked with VHDL engineers for many years but I’ve been using C since the 1980s so going Verilog will be easier for me.

No new products just yet, but there should be at least one new thing in time for VCF MW in September.


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VCF East XI Wrap-Up

This was a very good weekend for us, and vintage computer collectors in general… VCF East XI is now history, and was another excellent event.  Corsham Technologies was in the commercial area straight back from one of the doors.  A lot of people came by and said they follow the posts on the web page, so at least someone other than my family looks at this page 🙂

A number of previous customers came by to talk and often buy more accessories, and a number of new customers got to see our products in action.

The next show for us is VCF Midwest in Chicago!

The car is unloaded but it’ll take a few days to get everything unpacked and back to their proper places.  Orders placed late last week and over the weekend will ship in a day or two.  We have sufficient inventory to fulfill orders, so there’s no need to worry.

Most of this week will be spent building up inventory again.

I’ll be in bed early tonight.


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Countdown to VCF East

Next weekend, April 15-17, is the Vintage Computer Festival XI in NJ!  Woohoo!  Corsham Technologies will be in the commercial area, so be sure to look for us.  We’ll just about everything we sell and will have three test systems running:

  • KIM-1 with the new 60K RAM/EPROM Board, I/O Card, and the SD Card system.  You’ll be able to load files from SD, use the extended monitor and other features of our boards.
  • SS-50 6800 system running FLEX from the SD card.
  • SS-50 6809 system running Flex/9 from SD card.

There will be demos running, and since I’m a fairly technical person, I’d be very happy to discuss technical details, write some assembly language programs or participate in other vintage high-tech kinds of fun.

Of course, there will be show prices with big discounts.  Those discounts will also be available on-line from April 15th until the end of the month, so you can still get good prices even if you can’t make the show.

Stop by our display and say Hi!