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In the hospital

I was asked to go directly to the emergency room on the 21st and was moved into the oncology floor a few days later.  The focus has been all the joint pains which prevent me from almost every activity, including getting in/out of bed, walking, meal preparation, etc, etc, and Corsham Technology.

After days of tests the doctors have all agreed this is an uncommon but easy to manage condition… psuedo gout.  I never heard of it.  It will take a bit of time to clean up and then some physical therapy to get back to normal.  That will be a huge improvement to my life!

Leukemia is the main problem now that the joint problem is identified.  The next round of chemotherapy starts tomorrow and lasts a week.  Have not been told how much longer I need to be here once that is done.

Things are looking much better now.



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Shutting down Corsham Tech, at least for now

My health is not improving and another round of in-patient chemotherapy is in the near future.

So the Corsham Tech store will remain in “vacation” mode for longer to see if things improve.  This morning I closed the eBay store and removed all for-sale items.

Today I will begin cancelling/refunding orders placed via this web page and the store will remain off-line.  In the future I might go to selling only blank boards and parts, but NO kits and NO assembled boards as they require too much physical labor.  Each and ever item in the store (and there are LOTS of them) needs to be edited.  Not very hard but it is a lot to do.

I am truly sorry about this.  Over the years I have tried to deliver quality products with very reasonable shipment times.  My health is getting in the way of normal living so adding more work just makes it tougher.



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I have suspended the store for now

Orders keep coming in far faster than I can build them so for at least two weeks no orders can be placed.  Any existing order will be processed but my time at the workbench is limited by my health.

Currently there are orders for about 80 boards in the to-do list… this is too many and cannot continue right now.

If you would like to cancel an order, I understand and will be glad to do it.
