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No New Orders

The doctor might put me in the hospital as early as this weekend, but definitely no later than next weekend.  There are still a few orders to finish assembling, packing and shipping, so I cannot accept any more orders at this point until further notice.  My best guess is that I’ll be back home in mid/late May and can then start processing orders again.

Any orders received will be refunded, not queued up.




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Unexpected Medical Procedure

The cancer has reappeared so my oncologist wants to get me started on a strong chemo treatment ASAP.  The first week will be outpatient, allowing me to spend most of my time at home, but eventually I’ll be moved into the hospital for three to four weeks while my blood counts recover.

So, if you want to order something, please do it very soon, since my time to build products and ship orders will be very limited.  Once I’m out of the hospital I can work on orders again if I’m feeling up to it.



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Latest Medical Update

My Oncologist and the rest of the doctors involved in my treatment are now talking about my entering the hospital sometime this month (April 2020) for my bone marrow transplant.  No date has been set yet for entry, but late in the month makes the most sense given the number of doctor appointments I’ve got scheduled.

Until I have an official date I can’t say exactly when Corsham Tech will be going on a short “vacation” but let’s assume April 15th.  Try to get orders in before then so I’ve got time to get things built and shipped.