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VCF MW Summary, 6800 Progress, etc

This is my first year at VCF MW, and it’s been a lot of fun.  Not a huge show, but I think there were more than the 100 that was given as an estimate.  Lots of people running demos, lots of old machines to play with, great technical people to talk with, and still a lot of time for working on things.  I was able to do some coding and people would stop and we’d talk about my project, and I talked to others working on getting something to work.  Tools were loaned, ideas exchanged, and stuff that wasn’t working were put back into working order.

For those who remember the old days of the Trenton Computer Festival, it was very much like that.  A good time, and definitely worth the drive out from NJ.

There were several people here who had a lot of knowledge about SWTPC systems so I got lots of advice, we exchanged files, and will be working on some projects together.  Chris… great to meet you!

I got the SD card program working better… it now loads S19 files directly from SD into the 6800s RAM and can execute them.  The files are still in FAT format, so getting a FLEX driver working is next, but I’ve got some other work that needs to be done once I return home.

The show opens at 10 this morning and runs until 4 but I’ll probably pack and around noon and start the long drive back.